Sunday, May 30, 2010

God Speaks

Yes, I took this picture one morning around 6 AM as I walked along the beach.
It was breathtaking.  I think I only got about a couple dozen shots. 
It's been quite a week.
There is nothing like standing on the shore,
looking out into the vastness of the ocean.
It's a part of God's creation that leaves me breathless.

God spoke to me that morning.  
Actually, he spoke to me quite a lot this past week.
At first I passed some things off as cool moments.
Then it dawned on me that they were more than that.
Some brought me to tears, some frustrated me, some simply left me convicted.
Why this week?  Why at the beach?
Why did I tend to hear God speaking to me more this week than I have in months?
Perhaps because I was so aware of him this week.
I left all the distractions at home;
my computer, my phone (well, I left it in my bedroom at the beach house),
my daily chores, my to-do lists...etc.

He filled me up so much that I have realized
 how much I want to and need to be more aware every day.
I am missing out so much on things He wants to say to me 
and things he wants to teach me.
I let the daily doings of life
muffle His voice.

For the next couple of weeks I want to share some of the ways God spoke to me this week at the beach.
I hope you don't mind. 
Like I said, they are a mix of things, but all touched me and challenged me.
I look forward to reliving them with you
and challenging myself to be more aware every day.

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