Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Getting back into the Rhythm

The Rhythm of Life by Morag Paskins

I've had a hard time getting back into a rhythm since the holidays.
Can you relate?
I feel like I am getting there, but January is half over!
Feels like days can come one after another,
same ole, same ole,
wake up, walk through the day, go to bed...

Not the kind of rhythm that brings my heart joy.
Life is just too short...

So I am working on my rhythm again.
Trying to find balance with work, chores, to do's, play, family time, etc.
It's easy for me to get weighed down with it all.
I've tried lots of things from fancy calendars that have special stickers to mark appts, events and reminders to take time for me, to detailed minute by minute planners to help you organize everything, including when you eat, sleep and take bathroom breaks!
Seriously though, throughout the years, I have tried everything I can find.

However, in the past year, I found exactly what I need and what works for me.  I was resistant at first, of course, but when something just keeps popping up in your life, you begin to feel like "someone" is trying to tell you something!!!
It's going to sound like I am preaching to the congregation,  but I am not meaning to.  It's just something that has really made a difference in my life but like most habits you try to break or begin, it takes discipline to make it a consistent part of your life.   So today I am simply writing with a thankful heart as I turn back to the tool that has been working for me.
It's called The Semi Circle

It's all about working from our rest, not resting from our work.
How does this help with my rhythm?
I find that when I rest first, I am energized and motivated to work.
It's not just about putting my feet up and taking naps.
It's about abiding, being still, seeking and listening.
It's about surrender and letting go.
It's about focusing on what's most important in my life
and filling up my heart and soul with those things first;
my relationship with Jesus,
my kids, my husband, my family,
playing, laughing, living life...
When I take time in the mornings to seek him and listen to him,
when I take time in my day to sit on the floor and play with my kids,
when I take time to sit with my calendar and look at my week and prioritize my tasks,
when I take time and ask for forgiveness and freedom from the load I carry,
the regrets, resentments, frustrations...

When I take the time to really rest, then and only then
my work flows freely, and with joy.

I wrote about the Semi Circle in a blog called
"Work from Rest" way back in March of 2010.
And I keep coming back to it.
For that, I am so thankful!

Like I said before, It takes discipline.  And for me, the discipline is getting my butt out of bed early in the morning so I have time to seek, pray and plan.  It's part of my daily rhythm.  It's what works for me.  From there, I need to watch my weekly, monthly and yearly rhythm of rest.   It's only when I take this time that everything seems to come together and my days are joyful.  Work is not so burdensome and life is not so monotonous.  It's not always easy, but it's so worth it.

May you find ways to work from your rest
and may it bring you great joy in your life journey!

Dearest Jesus, 
you desire so much more for us than just waking up, 
walking through the day and going to bed...
only to wake up and do it all over again.  
Help us find rhythm in the journey of life and real rest
so that we can work with energy and joy.

The Semi-Circle is part of LifeShapes and 3DMinistries
and co-author Mike Breen

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