Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Today started much earlier than I would have liked.
Zachary climbed into our bed at 4 AM.
I finally put him back in his own bed at 4:30.
By this time, I was wide awake.
Well, my alarm is usually set for 5 AM, 
so I might as well get up, right?

In all honesty, it's mornings like these that remind me why I like getting up early.
As I mentioned, my alarm is usually set for 5 AM,
but lately I have not been good at getting up before 6.
I know, 6 AM is still early for some of you.  :)
But for me it's not early enough with a 3 yr old who on a good day sleeps until 7.
I enjoy having a quiet cup of coffee and being ready for the day before the kiddos are up.
It's peaceful and allows me to think a bit.

So this morning...
I am showered and ready for the day.
I have read my devotions and spent time in prayer.
I did a little reading.
I re-organized my to-do list.
I separated the mountain of laundry we have and started a load.
And I am currently enjoying a wonderful cup of coffee, 
accompanied by a most delicious scone 
(courtesy of my wonderful father-in-law - Thanks!  ;)
and writing on my terribly neglected blog...
maybe I'll even have time to give it a facelift!
all in the quiet stillness of the morning.

I love it!

Very soon the house will be buzzing with the day's to-do's 
and the sound of kiddos.
But I am ready for it.

So today is a good reminder of why I love mornings,
and why getting my butt out of bed early is so good for my soul.
Unfortunately it is a day by day battle...
the getting out of bed!
I hate it!!!
I love my sleep and the warmth of my bed,
but even more so, I admit, I do love being ready for the day.
It's more peaceful and less rushed.
It's worth it.
And it gets easier with each morning.
I recommend it.
Especially if your day is a crazy, busy, non-stop one like mine.
There is just nothing like the stillness and quiet of the morning!

Dearest Jesus,
Wake my soul each morning with the eagerness to start my day,
for it is in the stillness of this time that my heart is filled 
with your presence and peace.
Bless my day and grant me patience, kindness, gentleness, wisdom and grace.
Forgive me and help me to forgive.

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